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Cabinet Painting Experts

Does your kitchen need updating, but you’re not sure if painted cabinets look as beautiful as new cabinets?

Our cabinet painting experts will completely transform your kitchen.  Unlike most San Antonio cabinet painters, we use furniture-quality lacquer for its beauty and durability.  The results are far superior to your typical cabinet painting, and you can choose any color you like, including fresh white.  Your cabinets will look like new again!


Some commonly-asked questions:

Q. “How long will my kitchen be unusable?”

A.  Our lacquers dry fast  –  most kitchens are complete in 3 to 5 days!

Q. “Will it make a huge mess?”

A.  Our cabinet painters tent off your kitchen to stay neat, and we use HEPA-filtered air scrubbers to contain dust and odors.

Q.  “How durable is the finish?”

A.  Lacquers are strong, beautiful finishes used by furniture makers for their smooth quality and durability.  Food or kitchen debris wipes right off!

Q. “Will I love the results enough that it was actually worth it??”

A.  Cabinet painting is one of the best uses of your decorating dollar.  Cabinets are the largest visual area in your kitchen, and refinishing them is much easier and budget-friendly than replacing or refacing them.  Plus you won’t have the hassle and expense of tearing out your counters or reinstalling your fixtures.  Cabinet painting saves you time and money.  You will love your kitchen again!


See more of our cabinet painting projects here, as well as some dramatic before-and-after kitchen transformations here.

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