Trustworthy painters in Austin, TX blog title

Be Honest, Can I Trust your Painters?

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We get asked this question by nearly half of our new clients, who are looking for trustworthy painters but want a straight answer from a human, and not just an online recommendation. And I don’t blame them. I know the feeling of opening your front door for the electrician or plumber and thinking, “Hmm.  He looks a bit… raggedy.  We’ll see how this goes.”  

You’ve probably done plenty of research to find trustworthy painters in Austin or San Antonio, but it still comes down to the individuals who’ll be working on your project. After all, we are basically strangers who will be working inside your home, with your possessions and your kids and your dogs.

(By the way, we love dogs . . . we couldn’t resist including a few doggie snapshots our painters have taken while on various jobsites here!)  

Your home is your safe space and you need it to stay feeling that way, for you and your family. Asking whether you can trust our painters is a very fair question and my answer is simply, “I do!” 


Why do we feel our craftsmen at Paper Moon are trustworthy painters?


1.  Our craftsmen are fully dedicated employees, not subcontractors.


Brad at a Paper Moon Painting job site, Austin TX

It is our honest belief that this is the best way to run a business. We have a lengthy hiring process that consists of multiple interviews plus a background check. Many of our painters have worked in our own personal homes, and the homes of our friends and relatives. We can reassure homeowners about the calibre of our painters because we’ve worked alongside them, seen how they solve problems, heard them reassure nervous clients.

Bulldog puppy in the spray booth at a Paper Moon cabinet painting project, Austin TX

And most of our employees have been with Paper Moon Painting for several years.  We’ve met their families at company Christmas parties, and seen firsthand how they have become real friends with each other outside of work. Each of our guys have stayed late and given up personal time to help bring a project in on time and do what is right by both the company and the homeowner.


2.  Happy painters are trustworthy painters.

This is our own opinion, and it has worked wonderfully for us so far. Honestly, we do more for our employees than most “trades” or companies who work in the home renovation or home improvement space.

Louie the project dog at the “reveal” of a Paper Moon cabinet painting project, Austin TX

We pay well, because if your employees are worried about feeding their families, they aren’t focused on the task at hand.

We offer health insurance, because we’ve personally seen some of our painters cope with health crises in their families, and no one should have to worry about whether the doctor will get paid.  

And we cover all work expenses and provide well-stocked vans with high-quality equipment to all of our teams.  When they work for us, our painters know we’ll provide whatever support they need.

Why do so much? Because it makes the experience worth it! When you care about the people working for your company, they will care more about the company’s clients and getting the job right.


3.  We educate our painters, and not just in how to paint.


Scott dusting cabinets before spraying, Paper Moon Painting, Austin TX

We have safety and production meetings weekly, rain or shine. Our guys know we care about their safety, not just from a corporate standpoint, but because we’ve gotten to know them and their families.

We also have ongoing technical training to ensure all of our painters have the knowledge necessary to perform the services we offer with the quality we expect.

And a huge amount of the education provided for our crew leaders revolves around communication. We’re not hiring painters off the street who answer questions with a grunt or a shrug.  We train for honest, clear communication between our staff, our crews, and our homeowners.  Trustworthy painters can look you in the eye and answer your questions clearly.


4.  For many of our painters, it’s a matter of family pride.


Some of our Austin painters, back when we were just getting started

Most of our painters grew up with dads, uncles, or cousins who worked in painting or similar fields.  Many of them first learned how to paint as teenagers after school.  They wouldn’t dream of letting their mentors down by doing a poor quality job or by proving they weren’t trustworthy painters around our homeowners.  It’s a matter of personal pride for them to uphold their family’s honor and integrity, and we love that!

5.  Our reputation speaks for itself.

And probably the best proof of all is our online reviews.  If you look at the Google reviews for both our Austin and San Antonio locations, you’ll see that many times, the homeowners have mentioned the painters who worked on their project by name.  That kind of individualized praise speaks volumes!

By the way, you can see our actual painters for both Austin and San Antonio on our website, so you know who’ll be coming to work in your home!

Westie awaiting our Paper Moon painters, San Antonio TX

We discuss how to pick a good painting company here, but I wanted to talk a little more personally and directly about why I think you can trust our guys.  When I’m asked by new potential customers if they can trust our painters, my answer is always a resounding yes.  To the degree that it’s humanly possible, we don’t want you to worry about having trustworthy painters in your home, and we’d be honored to be your painters in either Austin or San Antonio.


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