Our professional exterior painters have been beautifying and protecting homes since 1989.
Read more about our exterior painters and our services here.
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A few notes:
Unless your home is the size of a child’s playhouse, getting it painted can seem like a daunting challenge! Painting an exterior is not something the average DIY homeowner should tackle. Besides the obvious safety concerns, painting the outside of your home isn’t just a matter of a simple color change. Your home’s exterior is susceptible to the elements. Therefore, any existing issues (such as peeling paint or rotted fascia boards) need to be dealt with. Priming must be thorough. And the paint itself must be applied in uniform coats that are thick enough to protect your home from the effects of weather, sunshine, and humidity. Happily, our exterior painters are trained to give you a solid result, so you have peace of mind as well as a fresh, pretty color on your home!
Feel free to check our Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Houzz pages for recent project updates by our fabulous exterior painters!
![Exterior painters in the Dominion, San Antonio, TX, Paper Moon Painting](https://cdn.papermoonpainting.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/18162937/Exterior-painters-in-the-Dominion-San-Antonio-TX-Paper-Moon-Painting-600.jpg)